Friday, September 21, 2007

Better Living Through Chemistry

Better Living Through Chemistry, originally uploaded by CraftyGuy.

I'm on on 800mg Motrin (pain relief) and 10mg Flexoril (muscle relaxant aka "jacuzzi in a pill" according to a friend) so that I can deal with my post-accident back discomfort (to put it mildly). Not a big fan of medication here, so I'm planning (at least preferring) to be off of both before weekend is out.

In the meantime, I'll be wicked mellow.

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Crush-Hour Traffic, originally uploaded by CraftyGuy.

I was in a bit of a accident this morning. Ok, fine, more than a bit. It was a 4-vehicle pile-up. The usual nasty solar glare on Rt 2 caused the first pickup truck to slam on its brakes, then the second pickup (left, in photo) hit its brakes - in time, no crash yet. I hit the brakes in the Blazer (right, in photo), again in time, no crash...yet. However the minivan behind me was not so lucky in getting the brakes applied in time. Rammed the blazer, pushing me into the back of the pickup truck, which in turn hit the pickup truck in front of him.

I ended up with a very sore back and neck, and along with two of three others, got an ambulance ride to the hospital. No one was seriously injured (thankfully), but the pickup truck in front of me, as well as the Blazer are totaled.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Day 314: 2007 09 19 - Arrrrrrr, originally uploaded by CraftyGuy.

Today was International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Do I get to make Bill Gates walk the plank?

Until next booty, mateys...