Friday, June 01, 2007

Playing Catch-Up

Ketchup, originally uploaded by CraftyGuy.

Well, it’s been too long since I’ve blogged last. I was hoping to at least get one more posting before the end of May, but it was not to be. C’est la vie.

So, to get caught up on things, I’ll give you a brief (more or less) run down where things are at. In no particular order (other than how they bubble-up to the top of my stream-of-consciousness):

- Life is taking on more of a semblance of sanity now. At work, we got out latest release out the door (finally), after much pain and suffering (and too many working Saturdays), and things are a bit quieter for the time being – that being probably only a couple of weeks, and then the chaos will start up again.

- I’m taking Fridays off (boo-yah!) to burn up vacation days that I would otherwise lose at the end of the year. As much as I’m not particularly fond of work, I also not too keen on having more than two or three consecutive days off at a time, as I start going stir-crazy after about two days.

- School is winding down at long last. MJ’s last day of 8th grade (and of middle school) is June 15. We’ll be winding up Bethanie and Thomas’ home-schooling around then as well. Next year MJ will be in high school (yeah – I’m feeling old) at Monty Tech, and Bethanie will be in the public school system as well for 7th grade. Thomas will be in 5th grade and will be home-schooled another couple of years.

- Speaking of school, this past week MJ became a member of the National Junior Honor Society; I’m one proud papa bear, that’s for sure!!

- Bethanie has been accepted as a finalist in the Miss Massachusetts Pre-Teen Pageant. The real surprise in this is the fact that Bethanie expressed any interest in this kind of thing at all (tomboy that she is).

- Last thing for now is that I’m seriously considering submitting some of my photography work for the 2008 New England / New Talent exhibit. This is a biennial art exhibit hosted by the Fitchburg Art Museum. This is a big step for me (uncertain as I am about whether my stuff is actually any good or not – no, not the stuff I post to this blog, but some considerably more thought-out and “artier” stuff). Which reminds me – I still need to get off my butt and work on my photoblog as well (I’m having some formatting issues on that which is making me a bit annoyed).

Guess that’s it for now. I’ll elaborate on some of these things a bit later, plus I’ll try to keep up on this better so I won’t have to haul out the condiments again.

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