Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Swim At Your Own Risk

Swim At Your Own Risk, originally uploaded by CraftyGuy.

I don't know about the swimming part, but I do feel in over my head tonight. What was I thinking? A blog entry a day for an entire month! Me? I prefer one or two word answers instead of a 10 minute treatise on the weather. Why expend 200 words when a mere grunt will suffice?

This whole NaBloPoMo thing will stretch me for sure, and by the time the month's over maybe I'll be somewhat more proficient at expressing myself in written form (don't hold your breath for that!).

But for tonight, this is all you're getting. I'm tired, my head is in a fog, I've had my flu shot today (my arm is sore and I'm cranky), and I'm feeling altogether uninspired.

Good night.

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