Friday, December 07, 2007

Armed and Dangerous

Armed and Dangerous, originally uploaded by CraftyGuy.

I have a hook and know how to use it!

Picked up some nice one-pound skeins of yarn this evening, and will be getting started on a couple of afghan projects. Will keep ya informed of the progress.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Help! My System's Been "Longhorned", and Now It's Walking Funny!

What a phenomenal piece of crap is Windows Server 2008 (a.k.a. "Longhorn")!

Apparently, it's the end-user that is on the receiving end of the long horn.

Could someone please pass the K.Y. and the Preparation-H?

I hope the next version of the Windows (Non-)Operating System is codenamed "Apology"...