Tuesday, August 01, 2006

A Trip to Logan International Airport

Are They Here Yet?
Originally uploaded by CraftyGuy.
Sorry it’s been so long since I’ve blogged last (yes, I’ve been spending too much time Flickr’ing and not enough time blogging). Besides from being glued to my computer monitor looking at everyone’s awesome photos and wading through the many groups there, it has been a busy week or so.

The good news is that MJ is back from his 3-week trip to England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales as a People-to-People Student Ambassador. He had a fantastic time (as you well could imagine!) I will try to post a pic of three from his trip when I get a chance.

Picking him up from Logan was a bit of a (minor) adventure. First of all, I do not like driving anywhere near Boston – we take the T as much as possible – so I know next to nothing of how to get around easily there. Second, the route of choice would have been to take the Mass Pike (I-90) to the Ted Williams Tunnel, and a straight shot right to the airport – not so bad, except that Patti does not like tunnels. With the news that some of the Big Dig tunnels would be closing due to that tragic accident where some ceiling tiles fell and killed a woman (near the entrance of the TW), we would try to find our way to the airport via route 2, then 16, and I-93, picking up route 1 at the Tobin bridge to Charlestown and Chelsea, then finally taking the Chelsea St. bridge into East Boston to the airport (not my idea of a good time, taking the long routes, especially near Boston. Needless to say, we couldn’t find the exit for the Tobin bridge (was supposed to be exit 27 – but where is it?) Signage just before exit 28 said the next exit after this would be 26! So we wing it – get off at exit 28 and drive through the streets of Charlestown (very nice - wish I wasn’t driving so I could take pics), and somehow manage to find Chelsea St. (Hooray!), but where's the Chelsea St. bridge? We kept following Chelsea St. and ended up back on I-93. Looks like we’ll be taking the Callahan tunnel after all (this is the “original” tunnel to Logan, before the Big Dig). Amazingly, it was a remarkably short trip in the tunnel, much to Patti’s relief, and we did get to go over the airport by 3pm (only took about an hour and a half to get there). But of course, MJ’s flight was delayed until 5:50, and he didn’t come out to where everyone was waiting until around 6:30pm. A very long afternoon indeed. And the trip home via the Sumner tunnel to I-93 to route 16, then back to route 2 was blissfully uneventful - except for the $20 for parking(!) and $3 for the bloomin’ tunnel(!!). But at least Patti is starting to overcome her fear of tunnels, and MJ is home (plus I got to go nuts with the camera!!)

Ah well - enough blathering for now. I’ll return you to your regularly scheduled (ha!) blog shortly.

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